Friendship & Solidarity
Proud Victory Only Korean People Can Win

Proud Victory Only Korean People Can Win

The world progressive people have highly praised the DPRK’s proud successes to open up an era of overall development of socialist construction under the uplifted banner of independence, self-reliance and self-defence.
The international secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People of Spain said that last year was a difficult year for the Korean people because of the evermore undisguised anti-DPRK maneuvers of the U.S. imperialism and its vassal forces and the spread of the malignant epidemic that swept the whole country. But the Korean people, not yielding to them, overcame all sorts of difficulties and achieved the series of successes in the struggle for the overall development of socialism under the distinguished leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), he said. He added that it is not an easy success but a proud victory that the Korean people guided by Comrade Kim Jong Un could only achieve.
The chairman of the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association stressed that socialist construction of the DPRK in political, economic, military and all other fields is fully supported by the international community. This is the great exploit achieved by H.E. Kim Jong Un.
He showed the whole world that even a small country could settle its problems when it fights against the U.S. and its stooges boldly and bravely with his daring determination and correct leadership practice.
He added that the socialism of the DPRK under the leadership of H.E. Kim Jong Un, is developed in an all-round way and Pyongyang turns into a city with grandiose and palatial edifices and model of the world city construction.