DPRK Today
For the Fatherland, Shining Feat

For the Fatherland, Shining Feat

Hero of the Republic Ri Su Bok who covered the muzzle of the enemy’s machine gun with his breast at the age of 18 in October 1951 to ensure the advance of his unit during the retaining battle of a nameless height on the left side of the Height 1211. His poem “For My Only Motherland” is one of the poems frequently recited by the Korean youth of new generation.
Han Se Gon, tankman of Tank 312, is hero of the Republic who took the lead in a battle to seize the puppet “Capital Building” in Seoul, the citadel of the enemy, three days after the outbreak of war and fly the flag of the Republic. He is the tank man of the first generation of the Korean People’s Army who killed a lot of enemies and achieved brilliant results in the advance phase.
Hero of the Republic Thae Son Hui is the first woman pilot of the DPRK who rendered distinguished services to be conveyed long in the history of the air force of the KPA. Among others, she made bombing raids to destroy at the end of December 1951 warplanes in Kimpho airport and warships that were stationing in Inchon port as well as magazine.
Hero of the Republic Ryang Kwan Ok is one of the 16 brave soldiers of Phohang. In mid-August 1950 he, true to the operational plan of Supreme Commander Kim Il Sung, displayed matchless bravery in the battle of Height 384.6, the gateway to Phohang, to defend it to the last.
Hero of the Republic Kim Yo Hong who, while carrying out reconnaissance task together with the Hero of the Republic Hong Cho Ui, in February 1951, stumbled upon an enemy company in the area of Wonju, Kangwon Province, and agitated the enemies by shouts to capture more than 80 enemies.
Hero of Republic Kong Jae Hwa, who beat off by himself the enemy’s four attacks in the battle to defend Height 666 in May 1951. When run short of bullets, he killed a lot of enemies by means of hand grenades. He, therefore, was called a “hero of hand grenades.”